Save Miku Overseas Wiki

Main Menu+Japanese (日本語メニュー) This page is under construction. (このページは現在作成中です。)
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Hatsune miku by midnight princess13-d4p9a58


【最新のSAVE MIKUの目的及びメッセージ】[]

Main short massage: (version3) February,2012[]

1)Main initial objective is INVESTIGATION to find out what is going on[]

2)We are NOT asking to recover deleted videos.[]

3)We are asking to HELP investigation and studying gently, but CONTINUOUSLY.[]

4)You can think,investigate and study quietly to discover what is going on.[]

5)The anti-Korean activists and anti-Japan activists are also using SAVE MIKU project. Thus, do NOT respond in YouTube and other.[]

6)One of the Goals is added. "Collaboration on Vocaloid work between Japan and the West."[]

7)We are trying to find the problem in International and Japanese Vocaloid community. We are trying to GET the CLUE to solve.[]

8)[MOST IMPORTANT] Please get the permission from Original Producer for the secondary use when needed. Please check the condition for the secondary use.[]

9)We are volunteer of Vocaloid fan and creators[]

10)Please check our Website for the updated information.[]

11)Please help us to Improve English our Website and some other pages.[]

12)Message was released in February 2012. But, it seems not well known in oversea and others.[]

Help us and Contact【多少でも手助けをご希望される方へ】

メイン ショート メッセージ (version 3) 2012年2月[]

Japanese Translation. 日本語訳 作成中。誰かお願いいたします。

1)現在の目的の一つは、[調査] (Investigation)です。[]




8)SAVE MiKUは、動画の未承諾転載を推奨していません。[]







Help us and Contact【多少でも手助けをご希望される方へ】


BY (Where to download.)
Illust. By:


New massage from June or July 2012: (version 4)[]

1)We help protection of creative environment of Vocaloid works including "Chain of Creation".[]

Protection of creative environment and fandom may also SAVE MIKU.[]

1) ボーカロイドに関する、創作環境及びファンを守り整える目的で、”創作の輪”を含めた、ボーカロイド環境を守るお手伝いを行っています。[]

2 )We have been helping Producer, artist, and fandom who may actively doing in YouTube and international Websites through several side projects. Please find in other pages.[]

{{ #NewWindowLink: | For International Creators and Fandom}} 【国際的なPさん及びクリエイター及びファンの為のページ】

3) Help viewing or showing original videos from Produces.[]

3) オリジナルの作者等の動画の閲覧と表示にご協力ください[]

{{ #NewWindowLink: | YouTube Channel of Vocaloid P and Other Creators}} 【Vocaloid関係者 YouTube一覧】

{{ #NewWindowLink: | Promotion of Original in Youtube}} 【Youtubeでのオリジナルのプロモーション準備】

{{ #NewWindowLink: | Help Viewing Original in English}} 【英語でオリジナル動画を閲覧するためのヘルプとお願い】

4)One of the Goal was added "Collaboration on Vocaloid work between Japan and the West."[]

Please think what kind of things do you want to do next.

4) 日本と海外のVocaloidに関する提携及び協力関係を築くという、目標の一つが2012年の2月に取り入れられました[]

5) Next Step is correction of information and confirmation[]

5) 次の段階は、誤解も含めた情報の訂正及びお互いの確認作業です。[]

13) Please say Hi to original Producer, if you are using a video for secondary use. This prevent many problems. It may occasionally OK even after use.[]

13) 二次利用などの際には、一言作者に声におかけください。様々な問題が防げます[]

6) If original Producer asked to delete your video in YouTube due to several reason, please understand and follow the direction AFTER finding the proper reason.[]

6) もし、オリジナル作者のPが、YouTubeなどから自分の作品を、様々な理由により、修正や削除等を求めた場合は正当な理由を確認して従ってください。[]

7) 作業を行っている大半は、ファンやクリエイターのボランティアで、無断転載などには関与しておらず、中立の立場です。[]

8) There are big mis-understanding within Producer in Japan that we promote and help copying and re-uploading video. However, it is not true. Please tell right information as listed here.[]

8) 日本のPなどの中で、この作業を行っているボランティアの私たちが、無断転載を行っているとの情報が流されている場合もありますが、そのような活動は行っていません。[]

9) If you are going to delete Vocaloid video by the official claim through YouTube, please write in following page to prevent misunderstanding by us and other peoples.[]

9) If you are going to warn or advice the owner of video account, please also use this form to prevent many problems.[]

9) 通常の視聴者、SAVE MIKUの動画監視や、その他の方々の情報網や報告により、不審な動画削除として、誤解されて騒ぎになる場合がありますので、正当と思われる削除申請の場合は、御記載ください。誤解や騒ぎが減る可能性が高いです。[]

{{ #NewWindowLink: | Video List to Delete or Warn}} 【削除又は警告予定の動画のリスト】

10) We INVESTIGATE and provide the FEEDBACK if possible. Please READ our Website which is modified very often.[]

10) 調査に基づき、可能な場合は、フィードバックを行っています。適時、更新や修正されているサイトをお読みください。[]

11) Following is wrong spread information. Everyone need to correct.[]

"Crypron and Google are already solving actively. Everyone is nothing to do."[]

12) Many other problems regarding videos are also found during the investigation. Please start to think.[]

Help us and Contact【多少でも手助けをご希望される方へ】

After the Secondary Use of the Videos (二次創作利用後の新規の引用方法)[]

If you are referring original video after secondary use, it is highly helpful for international user and artist to put URL address of English page of the original video using Nico[]

Thus, it is highly recommended to write URL of the original video in English Nico[]

(海外ユーザー及び作者連絡などの為、二次利用後には、Nico Nico.comで簡単に調べて、ニコニコ動画のオリジナル動画の、英語表示サイト側でのURLも表示ください。)[]

For Secondary Use of the Videos (二次創作利用)[]


Please get the permission from Original Producer for the secondary use whatever necessary. Please check the condition for the secondary use of Producer.[]

Please do not copied and re-upload videos without permission from Original Producer. False claimer may delete your video and account.[]

Secondary use does not include simple copying and re-uploading of video to YouTube from Nico Nico Douga/Video.

Please put URL address of the Original Work to refer. Then, getting permisson and contact may become easier.[]


If possible, please indicate the credits of artworks after secondary use.[]





Feedback message after investigation, July 2012(調査によるフィードバックメッセージ)[]

Feedback message 【調査によるフィードバックメッセージ】

1) It was found that many copied and re-uploaded videos were already present in YouTube WITHOUT permission from original Producer. It may harming the activity of original Producer to start near future in YouTube. It is harming the NEW ORIGINAL creations. It may be asked to delete by original Producer. Please find original PV to view original video which is uploaded by original Producer in YouTube. Please change or add proper URL link in your Website to show original videos from P. Please read Piapro as a model of putting credit[]

調査の結果、まだPに確認しておられない多数の無断転載状態の動画が見つかりました。これらの動画により、オリジナル作者のPが、近い将来YouTube環境で活動を開始するときに、妨げになる場合があることが判明してきています。 新規の創作の妨げになる場合があります。オリジナル作者のPが、将来削除や修正を求める場合もあるかもしれません。 もしオリジナル作者のPが、YouTubeで活動を開始された場合、オリジナル作者のPの動画を見つけて閲覧してください。 その際、オリジナル作者のPの動画が表示されるように、その他の海外サイトの動画のURLリンクを、適正に追加・修正してください。 ピアプロなどで、紹介されているように、Vocaloid関連作品の場合、二次利用後に、ゆっくり後日、作者にコンタクトを取って利用確認が行われる場合もあります。
{{ #NewWindowLink: | Instruction for Secondary Use}} 【二次創作利用の手引き】

{{ #NewWindowLink: How To Use Piapro in English}}【ピアプロの使用方法の英語での勉強会】[]

2)Why videos are deleted? (なぜビデオが消されるの?)[]

During our investigation, many problems are found in international Vocaloid community and user. It was found that English communication between the people who make advice and receive advice was not good very often.[]

After these kind of problem, videos were/might deleted including mysterious deletion due to bad result of communication and response in English. It may possible that someone may also delete video for joking or something. Thus, continuous investigation and help by everyone is highly requested. In addition to the mysterious deletion, normal legal deletion are also conducted by Youtube and copyright holders.[]

3) How everything start working. HELP request for everyone to continue[]

3) どのように上手くいきかけているのか。継続したご協力のお願い[]

It was found that our investigation and monitoring seems protecting from mysterious deletion even something and video deletion are still happening in July 2012. If someone delete one Vocaloid video from YouTube, we can find out usually. We also receive complainment, opinion and suggestion from someone who still want delete videos.[]

During our investigation, many problems are found in international Vocaloid community and user.[]

Thus, please DO NOT STOP helping. We don't have enough people to continue for longer. We are doing by minimum number (a few) of people. We need to shift volunteer people to rest near future. We have been protecting, investigating and solving problems for 7 months from January 2012.[]

Thus, continuous investigation and help by everyone who can participate as minor volunteer is highly requested. Most of the volunteer is helping very minor part from internet. However, if one person stop, major part of our activity is stop. Crypron and Google are not solving problems actively. They are not helping followings. Thus, you may able to help following:[]

Help us and Contact【多少でも手助けをご希望される方へ】

a) promote our activity to international and Japanese Website to correct misunderstanding of our activity

b) proof read and correct of English of this Website.

c) contact original Producer to get information of permission guideline for the Secondary Use.

d) make video, illustration or other creative works related to our new massage and Websites

e) translate main part of this message into other language.

f) do many minor things

g) Donation and gift are welcome.. such as Vocaloid goods.

4) To the people who make advice and receive advice (アドバイスする方と、される方へ)[]

{{ #NewWindowLink: |How to Advice and Receive Advice}} 【アドバイスする方と、される方へ】

During the advice and receiving advice for correction or something, it was fond that many kind of fights and additional problems were generated very often. It may cause mysterious deletion of videos sometime. Thus, this feedback is generated to solve problem in advance.[]

If original Producer ask to change something or delete video, please make fundamental relationship by communicating ordinary talk for about 1 WEEK before entering the discussion of major problem. It was found that immediate discussion regarding problems usually cause debate and fighting. It was also found that high school and middle school kids were occasionally causing problems in English Websites[]

Even some Japanese people in YouTube tried to make advice to correct something, it was/may recognized as some kind of spam or similar activity due to poor communication skill in English. Please understand that original Producers and some people who is helping them may not use good communication skill in English.[]

This is not the level of English writing. This is the experience level to understand foreign culture in different language/country. Experience to solve problem is needed for maintaining good communication. Please understand this is not the normal English advice nor normal conversation anymore.[]

According to the report, it was also found that some English translator in Japan may cause problem due to aggressive writing during correction. This person may expand problem even poor communication skill in basic English.[]

If original Producer is visiting you for several reason, please make sure the objective. P may also busy. Please understand Japanese creator may not good at English communication. If a volunteer from Vocaloid community is visiting for your advice or correction, please do not blame back. Please use simple English instead of slang.[]


If an adviser start blaming or writing negative comment, please stop advising and rest for at lease several days or 1 week. It may cause additional problems. It may cause very bad impression of other advisers too. Please have a fun instead of doing uncomfortable advice.[]

You can show and use our Website to help understanding and summarize even in poor communication in English. Use several weeks for thinking if the problem is big.[]


{{ #NewWindowLink: | MENU}}
Main Menu+Japanese (日本語メニュー)

もし作者Pが、何かの修正や動画の削除を求められる場合、本題に入る前に、最低限の基本的な会話コミニュケーションを英語で確立できるまで、共通の話題や雑談などで[丁寧に]対話をして下さい。いきなり本題を言われた結果、文化相違や語学の問題により、逆切れや無視なども含めて、上手く会話が行われていない場合が多いことが、調査の結果判明しだしてきています。 基本的な信頼関係ができる前に、いきなり本題に入っても、理解してもらえず、会話が失敗に終るケースが多いためです。[]


基本的に海外の方は、普段からディベートなどを含めて活発に意見・反論することを美徳とされ、国により教育されて求められているなど、異なる文化環境にある場合が多いことを御理解ください。 通常の日本人は、単純な多少の反論を聞いても、逆切れと思ってしまう場合が、多数ありますので、[文化的な相違による]、海外の言葉の理解の違いに事前にご注意ください。これらは、翻訳しても単純には表示されません。





CAUTION (注意)[]



Please read detail in following pages:
{{ #NewWindowLink: |How to Advice and Receive Advice}} 【アドバイスする方と、される方へ】
How to delete or change unwanted video of my song 【自作楽曲の気に入らない動画の訂正及び削除の依頼方法】
{{ #NewWindowLink: | For International Creators and Fandom}} 【国際的なPさん及びクリエイター及びファンの為のページ】
{{ #NewWindowLink: | Video List to Delete or Warn}} 【削除又は警告予定の動画のリスト】

5) Crypton and Google issue[]

Crypton and Google are NOT solving the video deletion problem actively according to Crypton and our investigation. They are just collecting some information as written in J-CAST News on February 2, 2012. We received several unofficial letters from Crypton regarding this case 7, the articles from written in April 16 and 23, 2012.[]

Most of Japanese fan knew that the information from were wrong regarding Crypton and Google due to the original News in February 2, 2012 and some minor information from Crypton. However, their articles were expanded in international community in English. Their articles have been causing confusion in Vocaloid community.[]

We spent 2 months to investigate this case to find out what is the truth, quietly. We spent 1-2 month to tell about misunderstanding or incorrect information in order to convince, with minor unofficial help from Crypton. Please read our report which is on going even not good English yet.[]

Case7 【Are Crypton and Google really solving problems actively or NOT?】

Case7-2 summary page2

Who is going to take care to solve many problems?[]


We also found many problems related to Vocaloid community and SAVE MIKU during the investigation. Since Crypton and Google are NOT actively solving many problems, someone have to take care to solve problems. Coping videos and permission problems for secondary use are also remaining for international user. Who is going to take care?[]

In addition to us, Crypton is also asking gently to fandom and user in order to think about coping videos and the permission problems for secondary use. Google can not protect if the video is copied and re-uploaded without permission. Downloading and re-uploading of a video violate the general user term of Youtube. There are no people or organization to take care so far.[]

Did SASA Jyunichi try to solve problems illegally by massive deletion?[]

(某 笹純一さんは、違法な大量動画削除により 動画問題を解決しようとしたのか?)

Please start thinking instead of saying there is no problem. We are still not sure the initial person, who try to take care the coping videos and the permission problems by massive illegal deletion, was SASA Jyunichi or not. lol.. We found some information that SASA is/may related to musician. Please read our report and summary page of this Wikia.[]

Why misunderstandings have been causing big problems to us[]


The big problems of their articles from were that they removed the most of our promotion activity. We highly need to promote our new massage to change BIG misunderstanding in producer and other people as described above. We highly need help to maintain current situation in order to protect and investigate.[]

Another big problem is that when we tried to release message, everyone ask us if Crypron and Google are already solving and nothing to do. If Crypton and Google are actively solving the problems instead of us, WE DON'T HAVE TO DO. We can watch as advised by their article. Thus, we are not able to release and spread the new massage until nearly finish the investigation of this case. We needed to solve/finish the case of before spreading our new message.[]

If we can not spread the message enough, we can not provide the proper information to other people. There are also several other problems too.[]

We carefully investigated what is going on regarding for 2-3 months. Meanwhile, most of our visitor by Facebook was stopped for 2 months after their articles as shown in our top page.[]

Correction request of inaccurate information which is under spreading[]


It's still causing confusion and big problems. We and need to correct wrong/inaccurate information in their article and need to spread correct information. It is normal to write correction in the field of Journal printing for more than 100 years.[]

Many international people believed their news that "Crypron and Google are already solving actively. Everyone needs nothing to do." When we start to discuss, everyone ask us if Crypron and Google are already solving and nothing to do. We can not correct information one by one.[]

Their spread message are still active in many other Website. It still causing confusion to many people. We and they need to wipe out inaccurate part of previous spread message from them.[]

Correction request for previous wrong information[]



Basically, here’s what you SHOULD be spreading around.[]

The problem with video deletions had NOT been solved by Google and Crypton actively, []

and they even did NOT confirmed that the Koreans had nothing to do with it.[]

Thus, everyone need to start thinking about many problems instead of just viewing copied videos.

6) Next Step is correction of information and confirmation[]

6) 次のステップは、情報の訂正と、確認作業です[]

We found some information that "SASA Jyunichi" is/may related to musician. Did "SASA Jyunichi" try to solve problems illegally by massive deletion? We don't know yet. We found that some Producer may hiding and protecting information of "SASA Jyunichi" in very small SNS community.[]

We can not get full information from Producers due to BIG misunderstanding. There are big mis-understanding within Producer in Japan that we (SAVE MIKU) promote and help copying and re-uploading video. However, it is not true. Please tell right information as listed here. This is the next thing everyone can do. We still get many spams due to this misunderstanding in Japanese Websites.[]

Thus, we highly need to correct the information within Producer. We also need to correct this "Crypron and Google are already solving actively. Everyone needs nothing to do."[]

It was found that English communication between the people who make advice and receive advice was not good very often. After these kind of problem, videos were/might deleted including mysterious deletion due to bad result of communication and response in English.[]

It may possible that someone may also delete video for joking or something. Thus, continuous investigation and help by everyone is highly requested.[]

6-2) Since many account may start to lost contact, it is very good to make contact for reconfirmation each other. During reconfirmation please tell correct information and this page. It is also helpful to ask for the deletion of wrong information and videos as follows:[]

6-2) 多数のアカウントとの連絡が途絶え始めています。丁度良い機会ですので、確認の為、お互いに連絡を取り合ってください。確認中、正しい情報とこのページの存在を伝えてください。拡散中の間違い情報を記載されたページと、誤ってSAVE MIKUと記載されたコピービデオなどを削除するようご連絡ください。[]

7)Help viewing or showing Original videos[]


Help Viewing Original from Producers[]

It was discovered that many Vocaloid videos in YouTube were copied and re-uploaded since original video in Nico Nico Douga/Video may difficult view by international user. If you can view or show Nico Nico Douga in international Website, it solve many problems. Please help to show original works by putting proper links and embedding system of video to Website.[]

Most (95%) of the normal Producer don't have enough viewer in the original site. Most of original Producers need comments and viewers for the original video.[]

Thus, if you are user of international Website or administrator, please ask the improvement of embedding system of your Website. Then, you can see the original videos in your Website.[]

How to view or show Nico Nico Douga and others in English including your Website[]

{{ #NewWindowLink: | YouTube Channel of Vocaloid P and Other Creators}} 【Vocaloid関係者 YouTube一覧】

{{ #NewWindowLink: | Help Viewing Original in English}} 【英語でオリジナル動画を閲覧するためのヘルプとお願い】

{{ #NewWindowLink: | How to View Live Program in Nico Nico Douga}} 【ニコニコ生放送を英語で見て予約するヘルプ】

8) Do NOT use SAVE MIKU for copying and re-uploading video[]

We are now studying and investigating how to improve Vocaloid related environment. Please Stop posting and using “Save Miku” at the time of copying and re-uploading video without permission. There is some possibility that someone who don't want SAVE MIKU campaign may also abuse these kind video and posting. Someone who don't like Vocaloid may also abuse.[]

Thus, please delete this kind of video by yourself. We don't need this kind of video. These kind of videos were mainly uploaded in February 2012. This kind of video cause misunderstanding of SAVE MIKU. As shown in our feedback page, copying and re-uploading video increase deletion of videos. We currently need other help instead of this.[]

9) Please delete these kind of video and message by your self[]

9) 現在拡散中の誤ったメッセージは、ご自身で削除ください[]

Do NOT use SAVE MIKU for copying and re-uploading video. This kind of video cause misunderstanding of SAVE MIKU. As shown in our feedback page, copying and re-uploading video increase deletion of videos. We currently need other help instead of this.[]

Again, Crypton and Google are NOT solving the video deletion problem actively according to Crypton and our investigation. They are just collecting some information as written in J-CAST News on February 2, 2012. Since Crypton and Google are NOT actively solving many problems, someone have to take care to solve problems. Coping videos and permission problems for secondary use are also remaining for international user. In addition to us, Crypton is also asking to think about Coping videos and the permission problems for secondary use.=[]

Following are wrong message spread by someone:[]


EDIT: Miku is now safe, Crypton and Google made a joint effort and fixed the issue.

Countless videos featuring Miku are being deleted by unknown individuals and/or groups. Everybody, help us to save Miku!

What you can do:

1. Download every Miku video you watch with a YouTube Downloader of your choice

2. Upload them to your channel and mark them with SaveMiku (at least in tags, better in the title)

3. Spread this message through comments and video descriptions

We are her soul. We give her voice. We give her life.

We, the fans, are Hatsune Miku.

They want to take her down? They'll have to take us down!

I do not own anything. Everything belongs to their rightful owners.**

Example of video:

10) Why initial false information started in February 2012?[]

10) なぜ初期の誤解情報が2012年2月に拡散されはじめたのか[]

There was a news from J-CAST News on February 2, 2012. In this news, Crypton was telling they are only started to collect the information regarding video deletion. The person from Google was out of office.[]

However, we found that "J-CAST News on February 2, 2012" may caused wrong or inaccurate translation during international transfer by someone within 1-2 days.[]

J-cast News : 海外の初音ミク動画「次々削除」 だれの嫌がらせなのかと大騒ぎに」2012/2/2


(According to Google Japan, no one was available to respond.)


(Crypton is telling that [Crypton KNOWS about the issue, video deletion is happening in YouTube. Crypton is COLLECTING information.])[]

However, these kind of information was mistranslated very often into followings:[]

>[Crypton reported they would investigate the claims and try to resolve the matter with YouTube.][]

1-3 days after from J-CAST NEWS (on about Feb 3, 2012), following message are already started to post in YouTube. Someone add the wrong or inaccurate information to the original news as listed in above (9).[]

Then, started to spread as wrong information by someone as follows:[]


BY (Where to download.)
This illustration does not indicate that there is any relationship between Hatsune Miku and YouTube.

Simple Summary of our message in English (version3)[]

We are announcing again since there are too many misunderstanding regarding SAVE MIKU project. We have changed the direction just after initial promotion in early February. We are NOT asking to recover deleted videos. We are asking to help investigation and studying quietly. You can think, investigate and study quietly to discover what is going on. One of the Goal is added "Collaboration on Vocaloid work between Japan and the West." .[]

During the investigation and studying, we are trying to find what is the problem for the international transfer of Vocaloid works. We are trying to find the clue to help by analysis and investigation.[]

We are trying to monitor and search the environment of Vocaloid works and fandom in YouTube. Then, we developed the checking system for Vocaloid videos in YouTube, in order to protect Vocaloid works and fandom.[]

Please help if you are interested in. Please tell us if you find any new information about it.[]

We found that anti-Korean activists and anti-Japan activists are also using SAVE MIKU project to promote their anti-Korean campaign. We are asking NOT to stimulate NOR respond the anti-Korean activists who are sitting in the comment place of the YouTube video of SAVE MIKU. Thus, please try to discuss more detailed topics of Vocaloid with other Vocaloid fan in order to reduce the intention of anti-Korean activists.[]

Propose of the initial message was only informing to other person that "mysterious deletion has been happening". The initial aim, which was telling about deletion of videos, seems successful. However, responses were too aggressive from oversea sometime. Therefore, we shifted more mildly as written in Main Menu+ Japanese and Save Miku Overseas Wiki . During our investigation and studying, many thing has been discovered as written in summary and others.[]

It was found that more than 70-80% of the Vocaloid videos in YouTube are/maybe copied and re-uploaded from Nico Nico Video without permission form the Original Producer. Many original Producer of video did not interested in recovering the deleted video. Therefore, we changed the direction. We started to inform and study how to prevent or reduce unwanted copying.[]

There are BIG misunderstanding within Producers in Japan that we promote and help copying and re-uploading video from Nico Noco Douga to Youtube without permission. However, it is not true. Due to misunderstanding, most of Producers may not read our message yet. Thus, if you find an original Producer, please show our new message and ask for understanding of our activity. There is some possibility that some creator related people are helping to hide major claimers in small community.[]

We started to help getting permission from the original Producers. Many Producers seems expecting some kind of contact even After secondary use of the video. It seems better to say hi, if you are using for secondary use. It may also fine to confirm in order to check English translation of lyric. It was discovered that there are many mistranslation in the video. It was realized that translation of lyric is translation of poem. Thus, It is very difficult. It was found that some English translators did not understand the meaning of Japanese lyric.[]

It was also found that if you can use Pipro, Website for creators made by Crypton, it is very easy and simple to get permission for secondary use. Many original Producer are already registered in Priapro for collaboration or secondary use. Please find more in the following page:[]

{{ #NewWindowLink: How To Use Piapro in English}}【ピアプロの使用方法の英語での勉強会】[]

We also started to investigate if false claimer may targeted to bad and mistranslation as written in summary. We are now studying and investigating how to improve Vocaloid related environment. Please Stop posting and using “Save Miku” at the time of copying and re-uploading video without permission.[]

We also develop the special method to check all Vocaloid videos in YouTube nearly everyday. Due to Daily Check of Vocaloid video and precaution with everyone, deletion of the additional video has been stabilized. If you find additional deleted video, please contact us and leave some comment in the Wiki. We are also discussing and investigating every day to find the evidence related to the mysterious video deletion.[]

Protection of creative environment is also important according to creator and Producer regarding Save Miku in order to produce new video and secondary works. Proper secondary use and protection of the chain of creation may also Save Miku.

Many of our previous video may showing the previous message which was initially released in January, 2012. Several days from the initial message, we already CHANGED a lot. It was found that several private Website may also showing very old message. Thus, please find the latest message from this page.[]

3) Crypton and Google are NOT solving the video deletion problem actively according to Crypton and our investigation. They are collecting some information as written in the News in February 2, 2012. We received several unofficial letters from Crypton regarding this case 7, the articles from written in April 16 and 23, 2012. We spent 2 months to investigate this case to find out what is the truth, quietly. Please read our report which is on going even not good English yet.[]

Case7 【Crypton and Google are solving according to the articles of or NOT TRUE】

Who is going to solve all these problems?[]

We also found many problems related to Vocaloid community and SAVE MIKU during the investigation. Since Crypton and Google are NOT actively solving many problems, someone has to solve these problems. Coping videos and permission problems for secondary use are also remaining for international user. Who is going to take care of this? Please read our report and summary page of this Wikia.[]

The big problems of their articles from were that they removed the most of our promotion activity. We highly need to promote our new massage to change BIG misunderstanding in producer and other people as described above. Most of the visitor by Facebook was stopped for 2 months after their articles as shown in our top page. We and them need to correct wrong information in their article.[]

It is very helpful that if someone could check the English spelling or grammar to improve our writing such as written in this Website since we don't have enough person to do all the work. It is also helpful to translate our main message into other languages.[]

One of the Goal is added "Collaboration on Vocaloid work between Japan and the West." as written in main menu.[]

Please think what kind of things do you want to do next. We are making new website for this.[]


BY (Where to download.)
Illust. By:

In order to promote the INVESTIGATION and studying, we made some illustration.[]

Let's Investigate to SAVE MIKU.[]

Investigate to SAVE MIKU[]


It include You/we can investigate, think and study quietly to discover what is going on.[]

It include please stop fighting. You can see the smile of Miku. You can also add the meaning if you find.[]

You can download the original files in Piapro to use the illustration.[]


(現在の目的の一つは、[調査] (Investigation)です。削除された動画の復活ではありません)[]


SaveMIkuNo5-1-400px (Where to download.)
Illust. By:

New Illustration 新しいイラスト

Illustration may be moved into other pages. イラストは他のページに移動する可能性が高いです。

Please feel free to download Illustration and use in your place by following the instruction of Piapro.[]


How To Use Piapro in English (ピアプロの使用方法)

(We are trying to translate into English several documents to help understanding. (Just Miku Fan's help for international user unofficially.)

120529 Oracion01a (Where to download.)

120527 Fairuse1a (Where to download.)

3D(7-2) of No7 Miku with YouTube (Where to download.)
This illustration does not indicate about the relationship of Hatsune Miku and YouTube.

SaveMIkuNo5-2-400px-woURL (Where to download.)
Illust. By:


{{ #NewWindowLink: | Join The Save Miku group on Facebook!}}

