Save Miku Overseas Wiki

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MENU of other Website : Miku Community + Vocaloid Help

Other Websites and Alumni[]

In SAVE MIKU main communities, currently we are just maintaining for fun, international communication, doing individual creation and support. Thus, please feel free as normal fan community. There are many related smaller communities too.

Many New Communities and Website has been created by the members in other field and related Vocaloid field.[]

Please find related other Websites and community. join for fun.[]

You may able to find former friends.

Tear Jerkers Anime

Join The Save Miku group on Facebook! (for Fun)=[]

Currently groups are normal Vocaloid communities for fun with about 20000 registered peoples. Since massive video deletion was stopped in about 1 year, people are maintaining for just in case as guardians. Currently we are just maintaining for fun, international communication, doing individual creation and support. Thus, please feel free as normal fan community. There are many related smaller communities too.
